Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 already, eh?

Wow have I been slacking! 2011 was an interesting year. Not the hottest health wise and thus lots of staying-in and in general a fairly mellow year. Highlights: The birth of my Godbaby Mason. It's so strange to think my best friend from Kindergarten is now a momma herself, but she is an amazing one and I feel so honored and grateful to be so connected to this little dude. Now to brush up on my Christianity learnings... (yea yea, I know not Catholic)

In the fall I FINALLY submitted my PC application! After starting the process three years prior, this felt like a huge accomplishment! Of course that was followed up with my interview and without regurgitating the drawn out details of budget and program cuts, I am still awaiting a nomination. Fingers crossed it will be in March when the next round of assignments are released! Let's hope this round includes business development (specifically NPO development) opportunities as that is what my recruiter wants to nominate me for. Once an assignment is available that is... News of the delay was quite a bummer, but this whole process is a giant waiting game; what is three more months? In the meantime PC requested I learn Spanish, so Rosetta Stone and city college here I come!

Another highlight: last year I got to see my sister three times! That is a pretty big deal for us... First was for wine, second a short but sweet sibling reunion, and lastly to run our second marathon together. All wonderful visits. She is my rock and so wish we lived closer. Someday.

I'm not one for resolutions, but hoping I am able to stay a bit more on top of this blog in the coming year. Till next time...